




> Mary Mah:

我上次买出租房的时候,看上了那个房子,可是其中一个原因没下offer 就是因为 那个easement, 当时看到在卖家的材料上写了,才知道后院那个超巨大绿箱子是什么( old style transformer), 在网上查了半天才搞懂,我心想那天我要是打算卖的的话,会不会是个负担?有多少买家懂 Easement? 买家不懂的话,卖起来可就费劲了。和大家分享我的经历和想法。


> 房东网地产投资专业频道:

昨天群里谈到easement的案例,无独有偶,在2017年就有过同样案例: 买家Hong Phat Tran Thu Thuy Thi Dinh从卖家Il-Jung Joo and Hae-Sun Joo. 的手中购买位于AuroraSt. John’s Sideroad W街上的房子。购买价格$2,130,000 . 订金$100,000  律师做产权Title search的时候,发现产权上有以下easements:   1. sewer easements to the town of Newmarket(市政的下水处理系统) 2. an easement to Bell Canada for maintenance to telecommunications facilitiesBell 公司电讯设备的维修) 3. easements to Aurora Hydro and Aurora Cable TV  当时在签订购买合约的时候,附带有土地检测报告Survey,明确显示了这些easements以及影响的位置。  然而买家律师在房屋交接前,要求卖家去除这些easements。卖家拒绝,结果交易没有完成。  卖家之后重新上市卖了房子,价格比前一次出售少了$430,000  卖家将第一次房屋出售的买家Hong Phat Tran Thu Thuy Thi Dinh告上法庭!


> 房东网地产投资专业频道:

法官Justice Gregory Mulligan 认为买家违背了购买合约,并且给出案例注释: “there is no indication as to how the property would be serviced by the utilities, including hydro, telephone or cable TV, if the easements were removed.” (如果移除这些easements,这个房屋的水电、电视互联网络将如何维护?)  法官做出判决:买家赔偿卖家 $430,000 ,弥补重售房屋损失,另外再另外支付卖家$18,000 作为物业维持方面的损失。  著名律师Bob Aaron对此案有以下总结:  1. 由产权上的标准easements而引起的房屋交接失败的纠纷,没有意义告倒法庭引起诉讼  2. 签订房屋买卖合约,一定要加上土地测量报告land survey  3. 法庭不喜欢买卖双方以一些技术手段(比如强调这个easements的做法)想摆脱已经签订的购买合约  希望村友们购房的时候,多关注一下title上的easements


> Jeffrey Gu:

The Land Registry Offices of Ontario are responsible for keeping record of Easements. 所以最全的信息,还是需要去政府主管部门。经纪和律师应该意识到 OREA’s Agreement of Purchase and Sale protects purchasers from undisclosed easements. According to Clause 10, if the solicitor discovers an easement on or before the requisition date, the purchaser can object. The clause excludes minor easements for public services and utilities. 公共基础服务设施,不造成重大影响的,即使在REQUISITION DATE 前由律师提出,很可能也会出现和上面这个案子一样的结果。


> centennial.robotics@gmail.com Automation:



> Lucy:

我买的房子也有easement, 当时查了下附近的房子都有, 好像是市政府走的什么线。当时问了律师, 律师只是解释了下, 什么建议都没有给。而且还是主动问律师, 他才给解释的


> Jeffrey Gu:



> centennial.robotics@gmail.com Automation:



> Jeffrey Gu:



> Jeffrey Gu:



> centennial.robotics@gmail.com Automation:



> Jeffrey Gu:



> Jeffrey Gu:

比较典型的描述  S/T A RIGHT AS IN LT1587328 ; S/T RIGHT AS IN LT1649811 ; S/T LT1579986 CITY OF MISSISSAUGA


> Jeffrey Gu:

如果看到这种类似的信息在LEGAL DESCRIPTION 里头,想弄清楚具体的EASEMENT 内容,就最好去 The Land Registry Offices of Ontario


> Fiona Li:

关于easement的 在下offer时加上什么样的clause才能保护买家权益呢 谢谢分享


> Jeffrey Gu:

加个类似验房的条款应该就好,不过更简单的应该是,先查清楚,确定客人能不能接受这个EASEMENT,否则,后面有点浪费买卖双方的精力了。而且OREA的标准合约里面已经写了关于TITLE SEARCH 包括 EASEMENT 的条款。如果再写一个,有可能会OVERRIDE前面的标准条款。 这一块,应该是律师为主力,经纪辅助。


> Jessie Liu:

我的一个很负责的经纪朋友 最近每次下offer前都先请我把产权上的subject to调出来给买家过目 保证买家可以接受


> Jeffrey Gu:

10. TITLE: Provided that the title to the property is good and free from all registered restrictions, charges, liens, and encumbrances except as otherwise speci"cally provided in this Agreement and save and except for (a) any registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land providing that such are complied with; (b) any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such have been complied with, or security has been posted to ensure compliance and completion, as evidenced by a letter from the relevant municipality or regulated utility; (c) any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telecommunication services to the property or adjacent properties; and (d) any easements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lines, telecommunication lines, cable television lines or other services which do not materially affect the use of the property. If within the speci"ed times referred to in paragraph 8 any valid objection to title or to any outstanding work order or de"ciency notice, or to the fact the said present use may not lawfully be continued, or that the principal building may not be insured against risk of "re is made in writing to Seller and which Seller is unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy or obtain insurance save and except against risk of "re (Title Insurance) in favour of the Buyer and any mortgagee, (with all related costs at the expense of the Seller), and which Buyer will not waive, this Agreement notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, shall be at an end and all monies paid shall be returned without interest or deduction and Seller, Listing Brokerage and Co-operating Brokerage shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Seller’s title to the property.


> Jeffrey Gu:



> Jeffrey Gu:

OREA FORM 100 89 10 就是专门写给双方律师的。


> Jessica Shen:

谢谢提供案例。本来市政府的easement 就不能够移除,但是如果影响买家挖游泳池计划,买家经纪应该承担责任而不是卖家。很多人家都有easement. 这个例子里买卖双方经纪和律师都不辣麽专业,第一次合同不能解约,没有充分理由退单。但是如果房屋不能适合人居住,有危险,可以退单。







