



What happens if I fail to give access to the belongings within 72 hours of the eviction?



If a landlord fails to allow the tenant access to their belongings during the 72-hour period following the eviction by the sheriff’s department, the Board may do one or more of the following: 1. Order that the landlord not breach the obligation again; 2. Order that the landlord return the former tenant’s property that is in the possession of the landlord; 3. Order that the landlord pay a specified sum to the former tenant for, a. The reasonable costs that the former tenant has incurred or will incur in repairing or replacing the former tenant’s property that was damaged, destroyed or disposed of as a result of the landlord’s breach, and b. Other reasonable out of pocket expenses the former tenant incurred or will incur as a result of the landlord’s breach. 4. Order that the landlord pay the Board an administrative fine not exceeding the greater of $10,000 and the monetary jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court; 5. Make any order that it considers appropriate.

如果房东在治安部门驱逐租户后的72小时内未允许租户进入前租赁单元取回其物品,那么房东和租户委员会可采取以下一项或多项措施:1. 命令房东不再违约。2. 命令房东归还前租户在其名下的财产。3. 命令房东向前租户支付一笔特定金额的赔偿金,用于a. 支付前租户在修理或更换因业主违约而受损的物品或处置前租户的财产时已经或将要产生的合理费用。b. 前租户已产生的其他合理的自付费用及因业主违约而导致或将会导致的费用。4. 命令业主向业主及租户委员会支付不超过$10000的行政罚款以及小额索赔法院的货币管辖权。5. 下达委员会认为适当的任何命令。


What happens after the 72 hours has passed and the tenant did not retrieve their belongings? Can the landlord keep, sell or dispose of them? Does the landlord have to compensate the tenant if they make a claim after the 72 hours have passed?



If the tenant does not come for their belongings within the 72 hour period then you are allowed to sell, retain or dispose of their property. Section 41 of the Residential Tenancies Act outlines this in more detail:

41. (1) Disposal of abandoned property if unit vacated – A landlord may sell, retain for the landlord’s own use or otherwise dispose of property in a rental unit or the residential complex if the rental unit has been vacated in accordance with,

(a) a notice of termination of the landlord or the tenant;

(b) an agreement between the landlord and the tenant to terminate the tenancy;

(c) subsection 93 (2); or

(d) an order of the Board terminating the tenancy or evicting the tenant.


(2) Where eviction order enforced – Despite subsection (1), where an order is made to evict a tenant, the landlord shall not sell, retain or otherwise dispose of the tenant’s property before 72 hours have elapsed after the enforcement of the eviction order.


(3) Same – A landlord shall make an evicted tenant’s property available to be retrieved at a location close to the rental unit during the prescribed hours within the 72 hours after the enforcement of an eviction order.












The tenant moved owing three months’ rent but left belongings behind. What should I do?



Section 41(1) of the Residential Tenancies Act states a landlord may sell, retain for the landlord’s own use or otherwise dispose of property in a rental unit or residential complex if the tenant vacated according to: a) a notice of termination given by the landlord or the tenant; b) an agreement between the landlord and tenant to terminate the tenancy; or c) an order of the Landlord and Tenant Board terminating the tenancy or evicting the tenant.

《住宅租赁法》第411)条规定,如果租户根据以下条件离开,房东就可以出售,保留供房东自或以其他方式处置租赁单元或中的财产: a)房东或租户发出的终止租赁通知; b)房东与租户之间的终止租约的协议; c)房东和租户委员会终止租赁或驱逐租户的判令。









