


By Steve Fabian

首先在这里隔着屏幕, 跟大家说声你好。很荣幸受邀进入房东网社区,我将会跟大家分享一系列简短的文章。




1.      商业贷款LTV。常见的误解是:你至少需要40% - 50%的Downpayment(首付)才能获得商业贷款,这就代表50% - 60%LTV??然而这与事实相去甚远。然而通过适当的结构优化,你将会得到高达80% - 85%LTV,而在特定情况下,出租公寓甚至可以达到90%LTV。关键是如何正确地去安排交易架构。可以通过额外的担保/抵押/现金流。这将引出我的下一个观点。

2.      Blanket贷款和Cross交叉抵押贷款比较。Blanket贷款是指贷款方需要提供两个或者更多财产作为抵押,得到一个贷款。这在开发/土地融资中最为常见,借贷方提供一个贷款,从而占有多个物业或土地。Cross交叉抵押贷款是指贷款方与借贷人拥有两项或者多项个人抵押贷款协议的情况下,贷款方已对借款人持有一个以上的财产进行抵押。我们可以进一步讨论从而更好地理解两个贷款的区别。当您投资物业融资时,弄清这些概念是至关重要的。

3.      最后 考验你的贷款专家。看看你的贷款专家能否回答这个问题:为什么加拿大绝大多数的住宅贷款定在5年期限?答案会在下次公布。


Steven Fabian







Short Commercial Mortgage and Mortgage Investment Series

By Steve Fabian


Article 1

First let me say, “Hello,” well virtually at least.  This is the first of a series of brief articles we’ll share with you.  Our general theme will be focused on Commercial & Construction mortgages, Mortgage Investments and helpful mortgage expertise tips/hints/information, that is often missed from the conversation with some mortgage “experts” who may be too focused on selling, rather than BEING Experts.

The focus here in this series is NOT to solicit sales but rather to offer a forum for intelligent, honest, unbiased conversation on Mortgages as borrower or investor and on commercial/construction real estate at large, to provide members of the 58 Landlord Group, honest clear professional advice as group President MR. Wang says,  “ the groups purpose to members with Professional expertise, unbiased, advanced and with no strings attached.”

I will keep these brief, so I will leave you with two tidbits:

1.      Commercial Mortgage LTV. The common misconception is that “you need at least 40-50% equity (down payment) to qualify for a commercial mortgage, which means a LTV of 50-60% “? ?

That is very far from the truth!  With a properly structured deal you can get up to 80-85% LTV on many asset classes and for rental apartments even up to 90% LTV in some cases.  The key is structuring a deal correctly, perhaps enhancing with added security/collateral/cash flow.  This leads to my next point.


2.      Blanket mortgage versus Cross-collateral mortgage.  A Blanket mortgage refers to when a lender has provided a single mortgage loan which has two or more properties taken as security.  This is common in development/land financing where the lender provides a single mortgage to account for multiple parcels of land.  A Cross Collateral mortgage refers to situations where the lender and borrower have two or more, individual mortgage loan agreements in place, where the lender has taken security on more than one property held by the borrower.  We can discuss further  to better understand the key differences, which becomes very important as you become involved in more sophisticated investment property financing,

3.      Lastly – Test your mortgage expert.  See if your mortgage expert can answer this: Why are an overwhelming majority of residential mortgages in Canada booked at 5 year terms?  Will give you the answer next time.  


Thank you !



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T4双职工、 “贷款植物人”,如何拯救你的贷款?

