



Is a new tenant required to provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN)?



It is not a mandatory requirement for a new tenant to provide the landlord their SIN, landlords can ask but they are not obligated to provide it. It could also be considered a form of discrimination, the text below is part of the Policy on Human Rights and Rental Housing which explains the reason why landlords are discouraged from asking for a SIN from prospective tenants, 4.2.5 Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.) information Some landlords require that applicants provide their Social Insurance Numbers (e.g.on rental application forms) usually to conduct a credit check. A person’s Social Insurance Number may potentially reveal information about that person that is not relevant to securing a rental premise, for example, that the applicant is a refugee. Since the disclosure of such information may expose a person and their household to potential discrimination, it is the OHRC’s position that housing providers should use means other than Social Insurance Numbers to conduct credit checks. Service Canada, a part of the federal government, specifically discourages private sector organizations, including landlords negotiating leases, from asking for a Social Insurance Number.

新租户可以选择向房东提供SIN,但这不是强制性要求。以下文字是《人权和房屋租赁政策》的一部分,该政策解释了为何不鼓励房东向准租户索取SIN,即4.2.5社会保险号(SIN)信息一些房东要求申请人通常提供其社会保险号(例如,租金申请表)以进行信用检查。一个人的社会保险号可能会泄露与该人有关的信息,而该信息与确定出租房屋无关,例如,申请人是难民。由于此类信息的披露可能会使一个人及其家庭遭受潜在的歧视,因此,OHRC的立场是,住房提供者应使用社会保险号以外的其他方式进行信用检查。作为联邦政府一部分的加拿大服务局(Service Canada)尤其不鼓励私营部门组织(包括正在谈判租赁的房东)要求提供社会保险号。

I’m renting for the first time, what information should I collect from prospective tenants?



If you do not have a standard rental application form, you should obtain one online or you can visit our office and get it here or online in the members’ area. A typical rental application will ask information such as references, employment info, previous landlords, etc. It also includes a clause that authorizes you to do a credit check. We recommend asking each prospective tenant to complete a Rental Application to ensure that you are collecting the same information from all (whether the information you request is provided or not another issue). You are allowed to ask for a deposit with their application or you can just accept the application and obtain the deposit once you decide to rent to them.









